
Humane Society of Greater Rochester
Major Donations
Humane Society of Greater Rochester
Dr. Fisher has consistently contributed over the past 15 years to ensure that the Law Enforcement Fleet at Lollypop Farm has the latest technology. These communication and computer upgrades allow officers to access the Internet and Police data bases to more quickly apprehend suspects who have abused or who are suspected of abusing animals.
National Academy of Neuropsychology Foundation
National Academy of Neuropsychology Foundation
Dr. Fisher is continuing his commitment to the National Academy of Neuropsychology Foundation going into 2018 as a Senior Advisor!
Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund
Dr. Fisher has created an endowment scholarship fund at his Alma Mater, Duke Unversity, to endow the cost of one student's complete tuition annually for life. This $1,000,000 gift will create the perpetual Jerid M. Fisher Scholarship Fund for a qualifying student studying the neuro sciences.
Dissertation Award
Legacy Gift
Dissertation Award
Body Image: An International Journal of Research will annually recognize an outstanding doctoral dissertation on the topic of body image. The award is deservedly named for the late Dr. Seymour Fisher, whose scholarly contributions to the field were both seminal and prolific. Each year’s recipient will be announced in the next year’s first quarterly issue of the journal. The recipient will be awarded a monetary prize of $1000, provided through the generous endowment of Seymour Fisher’s loving family in support of continued body image scholarship in his memory.
Phi Beta Kappa
Bronze Laureate Contributor
Phi Beta Kappa
Dr. Fisher has been a contributor to the Secretary's Circle of the Phi Beta Kappa Society for over a decade. This provides crucial financial support to advance the Society’s mission of celebrating excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and championing freedom of thought. Making it possible for the Phi Beta Kappa Society to promote the value of a liberal arts and sciences education and participate in the important national conversation about the very future of higher education.

Dr. Fisher has pledged $15,000 to outfit the Humane Society Law Enforcement Fleet with new laptops!

Jerid Fisher Large Lollipop Donation

Dr. Fisher just pledged $15,000 to Lollypop Farm to underwrite the purchase of new laptops for all 4 law enforcement vehicles. This is the third time in 15 years that he has provided updated state of the art computers for his his law enforcement friends, ensuring more effective policing of those who choose to harm animals

Dr. Fisher is a Sponsor of the
2020 Gala: Vision In Focus

Dr Fisher Sponsor LFGala2020


Dr. Fisher has made a matching pledge of $5,000 to the Tails of Hope Telethon

Once again Dr. Fisher has made a matching $5,000 pledge for the Tales of Hope Telethon to support Lollypop Farm’s Law Enforcement. The telethon broadcasted live from Eastview Mall on 13WHAM ABC, CW Rochester and on Saturday March 7th, 2020 from 3:00 to 9:00 pm.

 Jerid Fisher Tails of Hope2020


Dr. Fisher is a Sponsor of the
2019 Gala: Legends of Lollypop as a Gadget-Weilding Gaurdian

Jerid Fisher Lollypop 2019 Gala Sponsor


Dr. Fisher was a Sponsor of the 2018 Gala

 Jerid Fisher sponsors BeautyWithin Gala


Dr. Fisher did a charitable $5,000 dollar for dollar match for Lollypop Farm!

Dr. Fisher appeared live from Eastview Mall on 13WHAM ABC, CW Rochester and on Saturday March 3rd, 2018 to present his charitable $5,000 dollar for dollar match to go to Lollypop Farm. He appeared with Reno DiDomenico, the Director of Law Enforcement at Lollypop.

 Fisher 5000 gift to Tails of Hope


Communication Upgrades for the Law Enforcement Fleet

DiDomenico DrFisher BenedictReno DiDomenico, Jerid Fisher, Bob BenedictDr. Fisher gave the gift of upgraded communications systems for the Humane Society Law Enforcement Fleet at Lollypop Farm. These communication upgrades let officers access the Internet and Police data bases to more quickly apprehend suspects who have abused or who are suspected of abusing animals.

This communication upgrade to these vehicles is the latest in Dr. Fisher's ongoing commitment to the Human Society Law Enforcement officers and their mission. Two previous gifts from Dr. Fisher have been made over the past decade to ensure the whole fleet of vehicles operate with the latest computer technology for the protection of innocent animals.

Jerid Fisher wReno DiDomenicoJerid Fisher with Reno DiDomenico, Director of Law Enforcement

 Law Enforcement vehicle wide







Rainbow Bridge Gift

rainbow bridge1

Dr. Fisher donated the "Rainbow Bridge" to Lollypop Farm to comfort people in the loss of their animal companions. This beautifully crafted bridge leads to the Nelson A. Lengeman Pet Cemetery and Columbarium.

The Rainbow Bridge symbolizes a place where our special animal friends wait for us after their passing, for a time when we will cross over and be reunited once again.  This is the poem that inspired this gift:

Maverick plaqueJust this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

Maverick StatueThey all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...


Dr. Fisher was a Sponsor of the 2017 Gala

LFGala 2017 WebBanner 03


Dr. Fisher was a Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 Gala



gala 2014 logo a

Dr. Fisher was a Storm Chaser Sponsor of the 2014 Gala lollypoplogo

It's Raining Cats & Dogs Gala

to benefit Lollypop Farm



jerid lollipop giftAlice Calabrese, CEO of Lollypop Farm; Officer Benedict, Animal Cruelty Investigator; Dr. Jerid Fisher; Diane McCue, Board Chair of Lollypop Farm and Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn.
Protecting Our Animal FriendsjeridwdogAddie gives her paw of approval for the new computers.

Lollypop Farm's CEO Alice Calabrese hosted a lunch meeting at which Dr. Fisher donated three new Panasonic laptops to the Humane  Society Law Enforcement unit at Lollypop.  These are much needed tools in the investigation of animal cruelty cases and replace outdated ones previoulsy donated by Dr. Fisher.






lollypoplogoHumane Society - Lollypop Farms Jerid Fisher - Matching Donation for ROC the Day 2012 for Lollypop farms.

Dr. Fisher, an animal lover, has provided substantial monetary support to the Humane Society at Lollypop Farms since 2004.  Most recenly, he lends his support to the organization through their most recent initiative: "Unleash the Dream."  In recognition of Dr. Fisher's support, there will be a special donor recognition wall displayed outside this newest addition to Lollypop Farms.

Unleash the Dream - Lollypop Farms Expansion



ROC THE DAY - Rochester NY

ROC the Day 2012
$10,000 Matching Gift by Dr. Jerid M. Fisher.

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester, is proud to have again been part of ROC the Day, our community's 24-hour period of giving across the nine-county region on 12-12-12. In total, charities across the Greater Rochester area received $875,000 from 10,069 donors!

We are thrilled to announce that nearly $50,000 was raised for Lollypop Farm on ROC the Day through individual donations and our matching grant donors, Jerid Fisher, Ph.D., ABN, and Laurie Elliott, who EACH matched $10,000. Included in the total amount raised is an extra $1,000 bonus for having the most ROCstar donors from 4-6 am (thanks early risers!), and one donor, picked at random by the United Way, chose Lollypop Farm as their charity of their choice to win $500.

This support is critical to creating a future where we are able to care for more animals, perform more spay or neuter surgeries, and prevent more animal cruelty. We are so grateful that so many of you chose to make a difference for the pets in our community and the people who love them!

ROC THE DAY - Rochester NY

ROC the Day - 2011
$10,000 Matching Gift by Dr. Jerid M. Fisher.

Lollypop Farm participated in ROC the Day, a community-based 24-hour period of giving across the nine-county region of Upstate and Western New York. In total, nearly 700 charities in the Greater Rochester area received $567,036 from 6600 donors.

Lollypop Farm was thrilled that $24,384 was donated at, plus the $10,000 matching gift from Dr. Jerid Fisher, Ph.D, ABN. Additionally, four donors, picked at random by the United Way won $500 for a charity of their choice, choosing Lollypop Farm, bringing another $2,000. Finally, visitors gave us more than $1,000 in offline donations in the lobby.  The total raised during ROC the Day was more than $37,000!